Sunday, May 07, 2006

Splash Dash hugs and Realities of relationships

Back up here after the weekend in Klang (Jnr Vadai not well) was watching F1 - Go Shumi!!! - They had an interesting episode of KL Lights which touches on expectations of relationships. A lot of time we take relationships for granted, we start assuming too much for the other. I mean all kinds of relationship, new and old.

As I reflect back over the past 18 months since I began my journey, the pain I have suffered, the mask I have worn, the joys I have had and new people who have come into my life, not just love but friendship. I have love and gain friends and never have I regretted that. I have people I can fight with, talk to, shoulder to lean on and it works both way, (handkerchief). There are time I talk and there are time I just shut up.

This past week has been trying for me and enough is enough. I aint looking for love and if love comes knocking on my door I am gonna look at it and make a choice. (Thats not too hard) It is hard this roudabout thingy where you dun know what coming and you go in circles again and again coz its either the other party does not respect what you want or they dun know what the heck they want from you or what the heck they want to give you (complicate huh, welcome to reality)

Anyway back to KL Lights - Why do we really take people and relationships for granted ? Is it the comfort of the relationship or is it too much of familiarity? Any relationship I personally think is a full time job, if anybody feels otherwise then either has a relationship that probably doesn't mean all that much or maybe its just a trifle not deep (read shallow) attitude towards making and sustaining friendships/relationships. Its been a lingering thought in my head for a while now. Well next week should be interesting!!!


~*~LostSoul~*~ said...

I missed the F1 ... who win the race?

been busy with gaming the whole day ... hehe


Anonymous said...

....listen to U2 and BB King -'when love comes to town'....u might leave the door wide open :) just kidding.

Confucious said if you cant convince someone- confuse them :)

hang in there tiger. life at times works itself out we need to sometimes let go, at times step back and watch the cards fall on their own.

darthvadai said...

shumi wins

aint getting confused, feet firmly on the ground come what may

this is vadai take it or leave it