Friday, May 09, 2008


flash back to few favorite moments

1) Indy shooting the expert swordsman in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”: have to say this moment was pure genius.

2) “The Last Crusade” when Indy tells his captors that they’ll never find Marcus Brody because Marcus is a master of 10 languages, knows how to blend into cultures and disappear… yadda yadda yadda… and then the camera cuts to Marcus totally lost and confused in a busy marketplace asking people if they speak English. I HOWLED at that… still do after seeing it 30 times.

3) most intense moments in Last Crusade that still leaves me on the edge of my seat is when Indy comes face to face with Hitler. Then Hitler takes the book and autographs it and hands it back.

4) The mine cart escape from the “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”. This was a fun and intense chase and a really creative and new spin on the ‘car chase’ angle instead making it be mine carts on tracks.

5) The snake pit in “Raiders of the Lost Ark”: Humanizing Indie and showing what really scares him was funny and effective in really bringing the human element to Indiana Jones.

6) Or one in “Last Crusade” Where its revealed to us that Indiana’s real name is Junior and Indiana was the name of the Jones’s dog lol.

7) In ‘Last Crusade’ when enemy fighter plane is straffing Indy and his dad on the beach, and Indy can’t think of anything to do. Indy’s pop pulls out his umbrella and sends all the seagulls into the air, destroying the plane.
Indy looks at his dad with a newfound respect and he’s sorry he had underestimated his abilities. The look on his face is priceless. Sean connery follows with ‘I remembered my Charlamagne, Let my army be the birds of the sky….yadda yadda’

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