Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Latin Flavour?

Without trying to be the unpaid marketing guy for Bisik, I really like the change or upgrade they like to call it this place is going thru, its actually coming to a year I have come ot known this place and over 3 years I know the Manager back since he was in Summit.

Why its me favourite watering hole? Its a place I can be loud if I want to, hide away if I want to, it hip if it wants to be its somber if you make it be, and there lots of activities.

Fridays now seem to be Latin night, me to a certain extent had been having a shitty week, dun let me start with the weke Jen been having. This was a previous week outing so we decided to have a guys night now... Bisik was introducing a new latin Band, and they are quite good. Jen came with wifey, she kewl, so it was a lovely 3some and almost front row seats. A South African and his band played the night and among the instrument pieces was a trombone. Wacha!!!!!!!

Its always nice hanging out with frens like that coz you can let all the stress oooze out, they dun talk when they dun have to, a shoulder if you ever need one, just let the music hit you and enjoy your drink.


When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you. - Tin Cup

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