Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Types of frens!!

50+1 different types of friends

in no particular order, but numbered nonetheless. Take time to go thru it all... Its an eye opener

  1. those that will help you move.
  2. those that will help you move tomorrow.
  3. those that will help you move a body.
  4. those who you know only by their nickname.
  5. those whose nickname you know.
  6. those whose last name you know.
  7. those whose phone number you have.
  8. those whose phone number you have on speed dial.
  9. those whose phone number you know by heart.
  10. those who you can make plans with next week.
  11. those who you can make plans with tonight.
  12. those who you tell your secrets.
  13. those who tell your secrets.
  14. those who know what you like.
  15. those who know what you hate.
  16. those who hate what you hate.
  17. those who hate what you hate because you hate it.
  18. those who understand what you’re saying
  19. those who think they understand what you’re saying
  20. those who ask what you’re saying
  21. those who take you at your word
  22. those who use your words against you
  23. those who have what you need.
  24. those who give what you need.
  25. those who need what you have.
  26. those who can have what you have.
  27. those who want to make out with you.
  28. those who you want to make out with.
  29. those who you make out with.
  30. those who you write about.
  31. those who you don’t write about.
  32. those who think they know you.
  33. those who knew you when.
  34. those who make you sad.
  35. those who make you glad.
  36. those who make you mad.
  37. those who make you bad.
  38. those who hear it first.
  39. those who read it here.
  40. those whose opinions are shared.
  41. those whose opinions matter.
  42. those who you want to listen to.
  43. those who want to listen to you.
  44. those who you are still in touch with.
  45. those who will come over.
  46. those who are already there.
  47. those who laugh at your jokes.
  48. those who know your jokes.
  49. those who laugh at your jokes they know.
  50. those who know the rest.
  51. friends with benefits


Anonymous said...

I nak 51 hehehe

jangan trust kawan vadai, macam macam ada

Svejjen said...

Kinda feel like I'm a bit of everything...

darthvadai said...


I dun trust people with my secrets life my style... the rest can hang the pen

Dude I feel what u saying