Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A bone to chew on

History is nothing but a set of circumstances that been agreed upon by the common that's the way history has been.

History will choose to reflect when it is convenient to the common to use it as a yard stick.

Being the thick headed jackass I can be at time I pick up the dog bone and chewed in it into the wee hours of yesterday morning.

Over what you say? a simple blog that I put on a song Evanescence - Call Me When You're Sober

That became a catalyst for an issue that the song reflected to me something of me past as they say part of history. Give me a break.

So last night feeling like Optimus Prime after one to many oil change I decided to pick the gauntlet up and charge lol

Nice to be able to go ballistic once a while without having to fear the repercussion maybe by that what its feel like to let it off once a while.

There was nothing malicious in the intent or the content but a mere whiplash effect of being often measure by a yardstick of my past then a true reflection of the present.

Did it serve its purpose? Nah it did not but it felt damm good not to be on the receiving end once a while.

There be more.

All because of a song or a couple of song I choose to put in my blog that someone read and decided to comment on it to me personally to me. Bad move laddie bad move

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