Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Painting yourself into a corner

basically it means -to do something which puts you in a very difficult situation and limits the way that you can act

How many times in our lived have we allowed ourselves to be put into a situation like this?
How many a times it has been voluntarily?
How many a time we got suckered into it?
How many a time you got cought unaware?

Such are the fallacy of day to day living, with strangers, co-workers, frens, family we get ourselvesf painted into a corner, its no point crying over spilt milk but some choose to be there till the paint dries.

Yours truly has been in those situation and sometimes even now... soon you realise people are playing the same card, the same issues and ends up somethign over nothing.

Having a chat with a fren yesterday evening brought certain chapter to a close, did not matter weather it was forced out or passively brought out, a milestone is a milestone and sometimes things do come to an end even if we do not want it to. It takes 2 hands to clap.

So we move on, picking up the pieces, like they say friend will remain friends

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