Saturday, December 10, 2005

Who am I?? Who are you?

Who am I? Who do we project ourselves to be does not really reflect really who we are? Like in work you un project ur weakness you project your strengths...with general friends you dun want to breakdown and cry out your troubles but have a good time and enjoy the laugh. With your confidants you dun want to project strengths but your pain and weakness. Some call them mask..I call them reality. Bite me!!!!

But I'm not really hiding anything, but merely show what I need to show (is it a convenient excuse, look at your self and ask if you dun do that). Sure, these people may learn things about me that they didn't know, or I did not project but ultimately, I think I am that deadly combination of brutally honest, optimistic, mask-wearing and idealistic that often gets read the wrong way..hahahah

Maybe someday I'll pay, in some small way, but we pay for all our words and actions, and I know I can rely on a certain amount of pre-existing privilege and a sense of honesty and propriety here to mitigate those (potential) negative consequences. See? I'm an optimist...hehehe

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