Saturday, April 29, 2006

Vadai's Voice

Edward R. Murrow: "Just because your voice can be heard around the world does not necessarily make you smarter then the voice of the guy you can hear at the end of the bar"

I speak my mind at times being where I am standing where I should be, I say more then what some expect to hear, maybe a flaw, maybe a gift, but the immediate repercussions does cut through me. I try to be direct and simple, its less complicated, some like it some dont

So why I do it, I been to the circus, I seen the shows, I been thru the age where you speak in grey and everything is ok. Today I am the grey, if people choose to believe what they want to believe from my words, I dun care.

I used to bend overbackward to help people understand but to what price, to what pain and to what anguish. People around me may or may not understand me. I know those who do, and I know those who dont.

If you can hear my voice at the end of the bar that will be vadai rambling him mind. Listen well there maybe something that you can read between the lines

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