I am critical not a bitch or a bastard but I ask the question that need to be asked and if it makes me unpopular so be it.
I love sports, I love my friends and I love my son to each I have a degree of leniency and bending over to accept. We live our lives by principals, goals, rules and what ever that makes us sleep peacefully at night.
I am entrusted to a position that required my to perform in sports, no salary but I do it for the love of the game. I always said look I am here for two years, as long I am here for two years , I will kick butt and do my job even if it mean stepping on kiss asses and seat warmers. I am proud to say I fought and I have done so. I am not afraid to be critical and not afraid of accepting critism just look me in my eye and say it to my face.
I am surprised that other sports have looked at me and my capabilities and invited me to come over to help them.. its a bridge I think of crossing, no matter what the repercussion coz I leave it all on the table. I always tell them my services are free just match the "burning desire" I bring to it even if it only 50%
My friends, I welcome all as my friends, I dun judge by race, creed and especially the size of their wallets, people have come and gone in my life, I say its their loss coz I am true to my friends and I work extra hard at keeping friendship alive.... Its a knife that cuts both ways still for a friend I will help asking nothing in return. I do not pretend to be someone else what you see is what you get its just a matter of acceptance instead of pretending to be a friend
My son.. what can I say, he is my 'kwan' managing a growing kid with the present circumstance is never easy, its more draining at the same time rewarding then any other relationship i have been in, being pulled in 10 different direction at once and then he smiles...