Friday, October 02, 2009

its the pain

sometimes when you read professional footballers athletes or sports people in person sufferign injuries is waaaa even there got muscles. I had my fair share of muscular injuries during my playing days.

So when something major like this happen because i am playing a sport then I get worries. Yeah I broken away form my regular routine and have been pushing my self no no driving my self for hockey and amidst all this I been trying to get my body to cope with the work load and the rigors of hockey.

So officially I have soft tissue damage on my right leg behind my knee...some mumbo-kjumbo tendon name and I have been told to take it easy. Initially when it struck I was imagining the worst case scenario coz back in my playing days I took a pretty hard knock where surgery was an option. This was a long the same lines so in a way it was a relief to knowit was not as bad as I expected.

I think its time to have more fermented wheat

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