Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Weddings and Funerals

“You should always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't come to yours.”

Yogi Berra

hahahaha granted I know a thing or two bout conducting weddings and funerals I rarely step into the spotlight unless asked for. Not coz I got ego or proud or lazy to assist but its usually the elderly people so called well versed in these rituals whio will lead these thing, well you can say its a sign of respect.

Over time such rituals, tradition, ceremonies, have evolved into god know how many millions version each claiming

My philosophy = as long ur comfortable with what ur doing and you can explain proceed!!

I was put on the spot light when asked to comments on ritual and why such events or ceremonies take place that even left the priest dumbfounded. Its just a matter of being humble and keep asking why?

On the back foot such wedding and funerals where the family comes together and I got a whacky one on my dad's side, we are all wierd in our ways but funerals being us together but it becomes a train out of control when all start professing how close we should become and visit and stay over bla bla bla

One rule: keep a safe distance with family, you love them and they love you just dun act like you own them lol

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