Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A new FAD Ageism !!!

A quote 1st

Mohinder: [voiceover] When evolution selects its agents, it does so at a cost. It makes demands in exchange for singularity. And you may be asked to do something against your very nature. Suddenly, the change in your life that should have been wonderful, comes as a betrayal. It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation. Survival.

"Ageism is a prejudice and discrimination based on a person's age. It reflects a deep uneasiness about growing old on the part of young people. Some of these old people were being left alone in the old folks home shelter or being left alone wander around the streets. Their children seldom or barely come to visit them nor bringing them out for a walk.

Majority said that they have no time to look after their parents because they were too busy with their schedule or jobs and old folks center is the best place to leave them there. their excuse is those nurses or volunteers could look after their parents and take care of them. Should these young people leave their parents in the old folks home? Is it fair to let the older people live in the old folks home? Is the young people here being dysfunctional to their parents?"

I have argued this point thru thick and thin with my family, even before my mom was sick. (edited this part to let blind ppl read well)

(mean to support this fact)To Quote my cousin " Parents, Elders ...although they're old, it doesn't mean that they're not our parents, futhermore ...we should never forget how hard they've tried to bring us up all these years...without any regrets...and now that they're old, we should spend more time with them...let them know that we really care for them...if you ever send your parents to the old folks home, that means you're not filial and you're treating your parents like a piece of should consider how they feel...they're humans too...they'll feel unwanted if you ever neglect them..."

Generally Asian might think that sending parents to old folks home shows a kind of abandoned. It could be true in BUT .... its a debate it will go on and on and on

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