Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Looking over my shoulder

I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible. And how it can actually ache in places you didn't know you had inside you. And it doesn't matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of Chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends... you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he'll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you'll go somewhere new. And you'll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade." Kate Winslet

Interesting quote aint it

The 1st 2 months of this year has been a lot of positives and negatives, being diplomatics is not one of my finest traits but at time I have had to be. Looking back at last year it begun with people I am close to dying every month so in a way I am thankful the same did not happen this year.

I was a little rattled when a lady of 70 years who never been seriously ill suddenly being to wobble in bad way, from headaches, to eye sihgt to woman problems. It tests you. More recently neighbors had to be called in to help her call my uncle who took her to the hospital. Such are situation I have to prepare myself. Spending more time in Klang and travelling from Klang, burning off most of my leave for that are worthwhile scarifices. A fact a cousin aptly pointed out to me.

I have my own way of dealing with it, just like anyone handling situation, each have their own way. When my blog seem to project party and club and holidays the in between the reading between the lines are always there. I was taken aback when my uncle who was reading my blog gave me a call, expressing his concern, since I was in his town we met up for a chat and ten I opened up.

I used ot be the guy that would open up and pour out but the past has proven a painful and at time grimful reminder being open does come back to haunt you and bite you and used against you for the personal benefits.

Dats life.

I go to bed each night wondering if I would get a call, my routine daily conversations with mum every morning are more frequent then with the small one

The 3 days I have been back here hav been comfortable despite the house being empty, I have found the drive and the space to progress positively, the new car helps lol, the positive mind set, the ability to have your space to work with the usual routine does help deal with issues. I found in my few times drinking with Dog is indeed nice, that we can start to chat and talk about family, stuff and laugh it off.

I do have a ton of work load to cover, a few movies and a few rack to watch and entertain, a trip to PNG, an AGM.

I stepped on a weighting scale to my horror while denying the obvious view in front fo the mirror, my lack of games and training, food parties etc etc my training program starts wed 8.30pm lets see how I survive.

My target KLHA league 2008, left half and I want to earn that spot.

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