Sunday, August 24, 2008

Visiting and Impromptu Dinner

As usual every time I go to Klang I make it a point to visit my uncles aunts and relatives in Klang and my timing is pretty fluid I tell mum not to coook lunch or dinner and we go with the flow, I rather spend as much time visiting then having to rush back for a dinner or stuff. As fluid as we are time to time we end up eating at relatives places and makes it more memorable.

As such were in Klang Jaya bout 6.30 and ended up have a superb but sometimes intellectual discourse bout anything and everything, my aunt the darling she is (whom I learned shockingly gonna retire in a couple of months) whipped some Uppuma and there was chicken there so it did not take a lot of convincing to stay back for dinner and the icing on the cake was when my cousin brought out the Salted fish pickle slurp!!!!!!

All this glorious food mmmmmm BURP!!!

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