Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I love to cook

Fact : I am not a good cook and I experiment a could hear my frens ROTF... when I in all honesty turned the traditional ABC soup and decided to add my flavour to it. When I cook I pour my heart into it, I research left right center and thru to get the best product with the best effort. Afraid as I may be, most to the time I churn out good dishes. (Ask Angel)

I been going thru tough hurdles in almost every direction I turn in PK, finance, health(blood work is in already), work and trying to make ends meet and deadlines and a 4 days exhibition coming which Boss decided yours truly will spearhead the whole exhibition. Smiling to my boss but inside *!@$#%^%^^%%

So how to take a break, I cook la....When I said I wanted to cook over the weekend and I told Xxxie its a small group, she asked who is coming coz when I say small group it ends up bout 15-20 ppl. I laughed my heart out and said this time it gonna be below 10 including the house ppl.

So this weekend I called 6 frens to come to my house and I am gonna cook. Conditions, be prepared to get wet(hint), eat non-halal and sign a waiver. Hahahahahaha Beware as you step into Vadai's domain


Angie Siew said...

Why i am not invited??? Just Joking... ;)

darthvadai said...

hehehe you on diet ma... maybe just ant alone lol

anyway just coz i tak invite a fren does not mean they not my fren... siapa makan chili rasa pedas