Sunday, November 20, 2005


Here we of the few times we get an inspiration at 3am in the morning..
One of the finest guides to living a good and happy life, the Greek philosopher Arisotle, taught that one should not necessarily count a life happy until it has ended, for the end of life can be one of terrible suffering and misfortune, as the ancient Greek tragedies often portrayed. The choices we make in life direct us towards or away from happiness and enable us to take advantage of good fortune or endure misfortune.

I dun often talk about the choices we make in life, well I am going to talk about it one time (hopefully) and I don’t promise it will be my last one either. How often have you regretted a choice that you’ve made because it’s turned out badly and you or someone else has suffered considerably as a consequence of a choice that you’ve made? How often have you seen friends or family members or other loved ones–or even total strangers, for that matter–make choices that you knew were going to be harmful to that person and to others, but they’ve gone ahead and made the choice, against all advice?

It happens quite often, don’t it?

Once a choice is made, any other possible choices are moot. They can’t be made any longer, for the situation never will be the same. A similar selection of choices may present itself in a similar situation, but any choice we make causes change and turns the way things are into the way things were. Many people, though, spend a great deal of time and energy in regret, wishing that they had made a different choice somewhere along the line, wishing that they hadn’t chosen the course of action that they chose.

They don’t realize, though, that the only way to deal with any choices that we’ve made is acceptance or non-acceptance. The choice has been made, now deal with the consequences–don’t regret the choice. Of course, if our choice was ill-advised or if it caused pain or anguish to yourself or others, we shouldn’t just shrug our shoulders and say “ok la.” We need to learn from it, and we need to direct our energy towards dealing effectively with the consequences, and not direct our energy towards feeling bad or feeling sorry for ourselves.

Then again , we also can’t let one or two–or even ten or twenty–bad choices keep us from making choices in the future. Accept the fact that some choices have turned out badly, but learn from those choices and move on. The person who won’t enter into another relationship because of the person or persons who treated them badly before doesn’t realize that he or she made a choice to be with that other person, and that instead of sabotaging their future happiness, they should learn from the error and focus on choosing to be with people who will treat them better.

Sounds like a no win no loss situation

Accept that you will make mistakes, and make sure you’re ready to deal with any consequences of your choices or actions. We all face choices ...In recent times I have had to make some choiced decision some favourable some not so favourable but the balance of the book its got to be done...I cried enough about it, I havew raged enough about it, I have tried to ignore it, I tried to change it but alas it seem I cant. Now I have been told there is no turning back... reality is what reality is therefore I have to walk on. I am a KOP!!! These choices will effect and has effected my frens but it seem they understood it more then I thought they will (well some of them) ....we will just have to watch. I am prepared to move forward and accept reality. Yee Haw..time for the mask

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