Thursday, November 03, 2005

Nice guys

I mean, nobody likes being treated like an idiot or a doormat. It's just, sometimes I'd like to go out and do something different, unusual, slightly insane..... and most nice guys I know have absolutely no sense of adventure. Present company included. We tend to fall into a lull and laugh away with a mask.

It is not meant to insult us, but some of them are kind of set in their traditional ways. Which makes them come across as rather boring, even if they aren't necessarily. Of course, the age-old fascination of playing with fire, or grabbing the tiger by the tail wont apply to us, it would apply to the flashy jerk like guys.

Do we want to cross over? Are we them? for what benefit or purpose?


Anonymous said...

vadai mana gambar bini u dengan sari

darthvadai said...

its semua cerita lama la fren now all sendirian berhad hahaha

life is moving forward