Thursday, June 15, 2006

Relativism: the world without truth

I had extracted this article ffrom the web a while back when I was discussing TRUTH with a fren, today an email form a dear fren jolted back this blogger to this article.

Take time to read it and see if you truly understand the contect it is being presented in... as I say its intriguing.

(scene: a classroom: several chairs in rows all facing exit)

(Alex and an unspecified number of other students enter one or
two at a time, sit in chairs. Alex sits in end chair nearest

PROF -- (enters with books and papers, crosses to podium, puts
down books and papers) Okay, let's get started. Welcome to
Philosphy 101. I'm Professor Johnson. The first concept I want
to teach you is that there is no objective truth. Let me repeat
that. There is no such thing as objective truth.

ALEX -- (jumps up, shouts) Yah hoo!

PROF -- Excuse me. What do you think you're doing?

ALEX -- I'm rejoicing.

PROF -- Just exactly what are you rejoicing about?

ALEX -- What you're saying is that we don't have to take notes
and we won't have any tests in this course.

PROF -- I never said that.

ALEX -- Well, that's what you implied.

PROF -- No, I didn't.

ALEX -- Sure you did. If there is no objective truth, that means
that there are no right or wrong answers on the tests. So, why
even have tests?

PROF -- Let me make a few things clear, before you go off half
cocked. In this course, there will be two midterm tests and a
final exam in order to measure how well you grasp the concepts
of this course.

ALEX -- But if there is no objective truth, there's only my
truth and your truth. And in that case, will your tests be
testing my truth, your truth or (points to another student) his

PROF -- Well, if you want to be contentious about it, you will
be tested on the truth as I perceive it.

ALEX -- And what makes your truth more valuable than my truth or
his truth? I mean, I really like the way his truth sounds. Maybe
we should hear everybody's truth and vote on whose truth should
be in the final exam.

PROF -- Since I am running this class, you will be tested on MY
truth. (louder) Have I made myself clear?

ALEX -- But if there is no objective truth, what we'll be
hearing from you is just your truth.

PROF -- That is correct. What's your point?

ALEX -- If there is no objective truth to measure your truth
against, what makes your truth more valuable that ours?

PROF -- Because I say so!

ALEX -- Yes, but without an objective standard to measure truth
against your truth is just your opinion. Don't you feel guilty?

PROF -- Guilty? Why would I feel guilty?!

ALEX -- Because you are accepting a paycheck for just spouting
your opinion.

PROF -- To answer your question, I am being paid for SPOUTING my
opinion because my opinion is based on many years of research.
Now, do you mind if we continue?

ALEX -- Why bother? Your premise is flawed.

PROF -- What premise is flawed?

ALEX -- You said that there is no objective truth.

PROF -- That is correct. There is no objective truth. What is
flawed about that premise?

ALEX -- Well, if there is no objective truth, then by definition
it can't be true that there is no objective truth. You're
premise nullifies itself.

PROF -- No it doesn't.

ALEX -- Alright, let's suppose for a second that the only thing
in the whole universe that's absolutely true is that there is no
objective truth.

PROF -- That's what I've been trying to tell you.

ALEX -- Good. That means that nothing is absolsutely true.

PROF -- That's correct.

ALEX -- ....including your premise that there's no objective
truth. Therefore, we can't take your premise seriously, since
even your premise can't be absolutely true.

PROF -- Wait a minute. That can't be right. (mumbles)

ALEX -- Yes, it can, Professor Smith?

PROF -- My name is Professor Johnson.

ALEX -- That would be in YOUR perception of the truth. In my
perception of the truth, you are Professor Smith.

PROF -- (throws up hands, exits) What's the use. Class

ALL -- (cheer and exit, discussing excitedly)


Anonymous said...

ok Prof Vadai we get it :)

read articles on Hindunism and how it relates to the universe as being the obsolute truth - how time is the obsolute truth ...which will lead you to 'Theory of Chaos'....hey end of it you will find truth in Tanjung Rambutan

the truth i find in the eyes of one i believe is all that counts...let it be his truth my truth or the universal truth

in quest for truth or in trying to hide it we are lost in all the mayheim...

'if you say the sun is the moon my love than the moon it is' - taming of the shrew

darthvadai said...


Prof dats a 1st. The purpose of this is not for a debate forum, like I said its to be understood in the context it is presented in.

I am glad you have your stand on truth.


Anonymous said...

waaa ini truth banyak pening kepala la vadai. Apa la u ni, bila nak jumpa i

Eh bila jadi Prof