life is like a box of chocolated....time to get my point across.... have frens that blog and I think to myself if its just an in thingy or just here I am.... putting my voice across.."holler!!!" if ya can hear me
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Singapore Calling Malaysia Living
You could want to change jobs out of many reasons, job dissatisfaction, finances, new unexpected opportunities.
For me this time would be Finance.
Lets see where this goes
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Still Few things I need to point out
Take Action
Around forty million people are living with HIV throughout the world - and that number increases in every region every day. In the UK alone, more than 60,000 people are living with HIV and more than 7,000 more are diagnosed every year. Ignorance and prejudice are fuelling the spread of a preventable disease.
World AIDS Day, 1 December is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV and AIDS. This year, it's up to you, me and us to stop the spread of HIV and end prejudice.
This starts by taking action.
with all the around me and being caught up in the over all picture there are more bigger and mroe important things taking place in life. A picture in space, looks like an eye but actually it is........ guess for your self

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Taking a Break
Sitting down in my home mind blank, down with flu
Last post here was Nov 19, going to take a break from blogging
Mentally exhausted why
1. Working damm to hard
2. Some people who over analyze me and my conducts
3. Some people who just cant shut up
4. Family playing politics resulting in a trip to Ktn to assert my self and draw lines.
5. Finance eating me up
6. Discarding old ghosts
Along the bylines of this Jnr Vadai was having a bad stomach resulting him in vomiting 15 times when I met him he look so sick but happy to see me.
After sorting Ktn out despite some friends who were in Ktn or had return to Ktn for the weekend... I choose to be by my self...Sitting in Hyatt beach chair listening to music was the solace I had.... Sting of course and a touch of Bob Dylan and Metallica.
I did get a few bugging sms for them to join me but I had already closed that chapter long ago. S0 slam the door shut and enjoy my night. Bout 3 headed back and snuggle with Vadai.
Time get me strength back. Taking a break
Commie, its 25 days ready
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Tactical Move or Just the holidays
I think I will make a surprise trip to Ktn midweek (if Boss gives permission and if I can afford it), just to get the feel of the move. Anyway he be happy to see me.
From the outside looking in
While Malaysia fiddles, its opportunities are running dry
MALAYSIA'S been at it again, arguing about what proportion of the economy each of its two main races — the Malays and the Chinese — owns. It's an argument that's been running for 40 years. That wealth and race are not synonymous is important for national cohesion, but really it's time Malaysia grew up.
It's a tough world out there and there can be little sympathy for a country that prefers to argue about how to divide wealth rather than get on with the job of creating it.
The long-held aim is for 30 per cent of corporate equity to be in Malay hands, but the figure that the Government uses to justify handing over huge swathes of public companies to Malays but not to other races is absurd. It bases its figure on equity valued, not at market value, but at par value.
Many shares have a par value of say $1 but a market value of $12. And so the Government figure (18.9 per cent is the most recent figure) is a gross underestimate. Last month a paper by a researcher at a local think-tank came up with a figure of 45 per cent based on actual stock prices. All hell broke loose. The paper was withdrawn and the researcher resigned in protest. Part of the problem is that he is Chinese.
"Malaysia boleh!" is Malaysia's national catch cry. It translates to "Malaysia can!" and Malaysia certainly can. Few countries are as good at wasting money. It is richly endowed with natural resources and the national obsession seems to be to extract these, sell them off and then collectively spray the proceeds up against the wall.
This all happens in the context of Malaysia's grossly inflated sense of its place in the world.
Most Malaysians are convinced that the eyes of the world are on their country and that their leaders are world figures. This is thanks to Malaysia's tame media and the bravado of former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. The truth is, few people on the streets of London or New York could point to Malaysia on a map much less name its prime minister or capital city.
As if to make this point, a recent episode of The Simpsons features a newsreader trying to announce that a tidal wave had hit some place called Kuala Lumpur. He couldn't pronounce the city's name and so made up one, as if no-one cared anyway. But the joke was on the script writers — Kuala Lumpur is inland.
Petronas, the national oil company is well run, particularly when compared to the disaster that passes for a national oil company in neighbouring Indonesia. But in some respects, this is Malaysia's problem. The very success of Petronas means that it is used to underwrite all manner of excess.
The KLCC development in central Kuala Lumpur is an example. It includes the Twin Towers, the tallest buildings in the world when they were built, which was their point.
It certainly wasn't that there was an office shortage in Kuala Lumpur — there wasn't.
Malaysians are very proud of these towers. Goodness knows why. They had little to do with them. The money for them came out of the ground and the engineering was contracted out to South Korean companies.
They don't even run the shopping centre that's beneath them. That's handled by Australia's Westfield.
Next year, a Malaysian astronaut will go into space aboard a Russian rocket — the first Malay in space. And the cost? $RM95 million ($A34.3 million), to be footed by Malaysian taxpayers. The Science and Technology Minister has said that a moon landing in 2020 is the next target, aboard a US flight. There's no indication of what the Americans will charge for this, assuming there's even a chance that they will consider it. But what is Malaysia getting by using the space programs of others as a taxi service? There are no obvious technical benefits, but no doubt Malaysians will be told once again, that they are "boleh". The trouble is, they're not. It's not their space program.
Back in July, the Government announced that it would spend $RM490 million on a sports complex near the London Olympics site so that Malaysian athletes can train there and "get used to cold weather".
But the summer Olympics are held in the summer.
So what is the complex's real purpose? The dozens of goodwill missions by ministers and bureaucrats to London to check on the centre's construction and then on the athletes while they train might provide a clue.
Bank bale outs, a formula one racing track, an entire new capital city — Petronas has paid for them all. It's been an orgy of nonsense that Malaysia can ill afford.
Why? Because Malaysia's oil will run out in about 19 years. As it is, Malaysia will become a net oil importer in 2011 — that's just five years away.
So it's in this context that the latest debate about race and wealth is so sad.
It is time to move on, time to prepare the economy for life after oil. But, like Nero fiddling while Rome burned, the Malaysian Government is more interested in stunts like sending a Malaysian into space when Malaysia's inadequate schools could have done with the cash, and arguing about wealth distribution using transparently ridiculous statistics.
That's not Malaysia "boleh", that's Malaysia "bodoh" (stupid).
A year AGO
Today a year later thanks to him I am back in the grind again. Walking away from hockey and it s politics was difficult as I had many friends but enough was enough...last year at this function I was an honoured guest not because I held the 5th highest position in the national organization but for the person I was and I was thrilled. I still do meet the man from time to time but he has been away on assignment.
This year I was invited to be a member of this social club and I contributed. Last night was the pinnicle of our activities. A small club, dedicated member, its fair share of politics but never one to shy away for it as they bash each other and tongue lash each other for the greater good of the club.
In a coming soon blog which will detail the niht happening but this was me moment. Someone asked who would I allow to partake in this level, mean I would share my joy with something of this magnitude? MY curt simple reply was Jnr Vadai and the old lady
What was my event turned out to be checklist on who was being invited and who was not and who could assume they be invited and who would assume not, then was the twister, those I did not invite but would eventually get a free ticket and show up much to the benefit of me. (Talk about how we can wind thing up). The ironic when I tell some they aint invited they accept it. Why cant the rest be the same or am I expecting too much.
To tell you the truth, in my blog here I am like a tape recorder no matter how many times I hamme the same old song again and again it comes back to haunt me. My rule simple, my event , I invite who I wish and when I wish. If I made a bad call not to invite, dont hold it against me. If you do then dont be my fren. Walk away
My event, my choice so bang the drum else where Vadai aint listening. Vadai stop being nice when this go out of hand. Vadai dun want a complicated life, he has simple rules simple condition and cant change the past, But he lives in the present.
Stand up and be counted as a fren instead of bitching as a fren,
Friday, November 17, 2006
Bad Day Maybe not a bad ending
Its close to midnight.. pretty soon I be heading to bed after completing all my was a tough day with many twist and turns with 2 meetings and tasked scheduled for after work... my mind is semi blank... just got an sms if I was working over time and I just replied I am staring at a blank screen...
I got sucked into a whirlpool of conversation which eventually lead down to one path... about accessibility... bout lots of aspects of life... work... relationships... events... all packaged in our day to day lives... and we somehow inadvertely allow people to disect it and formulate their own opinions. Aint life funny.
Today my boss went back on his principal but he is a card player and I understood his reasons for that. Me I am a straight shooter... and lately I been nothing but straight shooting... but lately I question why should I even bother.. certain people just got no feeling....
When you walk in the tall grasses in the wetlands eventually you gonna face trouble and at time you will walk in circles and you gonna end up at the same spot facing the same shit. Especially in a group people are going to start ot break ranks. So you move on yet time and time again you end up facing the same people with the same stories and the same lementing. You got 2 choices 1 is get the fuck out of the tall grasses or 2 stay in there and let this peoples slowly kill you.
The problem with 2 no matter how u try to tell them your walking in circles they will caontinue to sing the same sone.. a song that can never be played... so play a different song that or we all die.
My night today ended in a happy note... a desperate phone call from a fren who had a client who wanted to donate some of the winnings to charities asked if I could list it down and emial to him... got to work searched and in 15 minutes I got him a list of charities which I felt deserved.
With all that happened today.. I will go to sleep later with a smile that (if true) one of these charities will have confiderable funds for its activities. That should put a smile on their faces.
MY exact reply in email to him..
Bro got a lot of charities but personally I the following deserve it
Open Minds - Education funding for special (handicapped) children
Tel: 1 800 88 9357
Pelangi Foundation - Home for people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA)
Tel: 019 360 4031
Pink Triangle - NGO involved in community-based work on sexuality and AIDS
7C-1 Jalan Ipoh Kecil, Off Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 4044 4611, Fax: 03 4044 4622
Hospis Malaysia
This one deserve aslo
Rumah Charis - Home For The Aged · Home For The Children · Centre for Autism & LD
77 Lucky Garden, Jalan Puchong, 58200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 7781 5977, 03 7784 4645
Malaysian AIDS Foundation
12 The Boulevard Shop Office, Sentul Raya, Jalan 13/48A, off Jalan Sentul, 51000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03 4045 1033, Fax: 03 4043 9723
Where & how? Getting there: MyCen Map | Directions | MyCen Location (what's this?)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Online Poll
Pic of me and my buddy taken a long while back. Pic 1 me and her
Pic 2 Me holding a glass of beer and she holding a glass of coke,
Pic 3 Me holding a glass of coke and she holding a glass of beer,
Guess if Pic 2 or Pic 3 is real (its either one)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Xxxie hits a home run
Change yourself before you change others!
Sometimes we may have friends who want us to be friends with their friends. Not everyone gets along with each other, most of the time we are still friendly with our friend’s friends… because of our friend! *am I making any sense at all?*
I know I have some friends that my other friends might not like, but then I know I can’t please everyone and I can’t exclude anyone just to please someone. I have no intentions to disrespect my friends or make them feel uncomfortable in any way. I don’t expect them to be on friendly basis even though they hate each others guts. What I expect is they respect me as a friend and put their differences a side and just get along for my sake… yea I know it’s too much to ask but I would do the same for them! Seriously I would...................
So, if I so happen to hang out with anyone that YOU hates? Respect me as your friend and not take things to seriously, understand the reason why I am still friendly with them is because he/she is still my friend."
We all wuld handle this different ways but the gist of the blog is simple, sometime somehow or somewhere you gonna end up in a situation where ur friend and ur other friend dont get along. So you make a decision (watever that decision maybe) and move forward. If the dun like then take a hike
What Life Is About
What Life Is About by Denise, posted Nov 01, 2006
life is not about keeping scoreit’s not about how many people will call you .
it’s not about who you have dated or haven’t dated at all.
its not about who you have kissed
or who you have slept with
or what sport you play.
it’s not about who likes you
it’s not about your shoes or your hair color.
it’s not about your skin color
or where you live
or what school you go to.
it’s not about money, clothes or people you hang out with.
it’s not about being alone.
it’s about overcoming obstacles of life.
Note : 1 step at a time
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Guess what Coming to the Cinema

![]() | ROCKY BALBOA Former heavyweight champion Rocky Balboa steps out of retirement and back into the ring, pitting himself against a new rival decades after his initial glory. When a computer simulated boxing match declares Rocky Balboa the victor over current champion Mason "The Line" Dixon, the legendary fighter's passion and spirit are reignited. But when his desire to fight in small, regional competitions is trumped by promoters calling for a rematch of the cyber-fight, Balboa must weigh the mental and physical risks of a high profile exhibition match against his need to be in the ring. |

![]() | GRIDIRON GANG The uplifting story of detention camp probation officer Sean Porter, who creates a high-school-level football team from a ragtag group of dangerous teenage inmates as a means to teach them self-respect and social responsibility. He is joined in this experiment by co-worker, Malcolm Moore. But Porter must first overcome almost universal resistance from the powers that be - his skeptical bosses and coaches at rival high schools who don't want their players mixing it up with convicted criminals on the football field. |

![]() | ERAGON
Based on the best-selling novel, this is an epic fantasy-adventure about a young farm boy named Eragon whose destiny is revealed with the help of a dragon. Eragon, now a Dragon Rider, is swept into a world of magic and power, discovering that he can save - or destroy - an Empire. |
The one I am dying to see with my office mates a malay movie (no kidding)
Rahim Razali ... Cikgu Elyas
Fatimah Abu Bakar ... Rubiah
Eizlan Yusof ... Azlan
Fasha Sandha ... Azura
Nanu Baharuddin ... Dyan
Que Haidar ... Dhani
Rashidi Ishak ... Harris
Rita Rudaini ... Airin
Mohd Pierre Andre ... Taufiq
Sharifah Amani ... Arianna
Baizura Kahar ...
Nasrizal Ngasri ...
Tony Eusoff ...
Vanida Imran ...
Filem ini adalah jalinan lima cerita yang meraikan keajaiban cinta: mengenai Harris dengan isterinya Airin; hubungan Dyan dengan adiknya, Dhani; cinta Elyas seorang pesara guru dengan pemilik gerai, Rubiah; hubungan Azlan & Azura, dan hubungan Arianna & Taufiq - di mana semuanya saling berkait dan berlatar kota metropolitan Kuala Lumpur.
Cinta is about the universality of love in five interesting stories.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Kop oh Kop Wat happen!!!
In a critical Premiership clash at Emirates Stadium, Arsenal dominated possession and strolled to an easy 3-0 win over a disappointing Liverpool team.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Deepavali part 2
Anyway we had a lovely cooking session, and this year coz we are on a tight budget we made all the cookies at home. Later on that night we had 1 round of crackers session. It was lovely.

My Crazy Sat / Beach Club Sucks Last Night
Finished the conference call (thank god only 30 minutes) I sms Kalai and Beem for plans... then I just sat there for a few minutes...The walls were closing in.... then an sms... just fed up... put the card on the table said I am going to go out of the house, my mind was blank... started the car and sat there for a few minutes
Driving a little aimlessly I settled to go to beach since Com gonna be there with Sunder it would be a welcome distraction, XXiee was going to be there. Along the way I sms a fren knowing she had bigger things to handle, then apologised for smsing her... Driving into the parking lot I met a face of a fren just sitting by the mamak stall. Sam!! my 30 minutes with Sam was a welcome relief and it help me talk about what I was going thru as well give me enough distraction.... I wanted ot go home then but Sam pulled me into Beach. Commie Xxiie and Kris were already there chugging away. Commie kept ribbing me about me not drinking... (I shall have the last laugh)
I had coke and I did not have to pay for it, sitting down wiht Xiie and Com head banding was a nice scene. How ironic that at one instant the roles that night were reversed (Xxiee and I gonna put an ironic poll online) dun know if Sam sense I was getting better but he slowly slipped away...I sat there on the couch and let the ebb flow away. Xiie was good company so was Com and I enjoyed their banter. Managed a few smile but the events of the evening kept playing in my mind.
Beach Club last night sucked royally. Not coz I was not drinking the music was so retro and so bad I could not even take my mind of things.... Com 2 frens were trying to pick up chick there for a nightly got lucky I guess.. Watever expectation I had of the place since not being there after a long time was a definate let down that I whispered to a fren I was going home early. Imagine that!!! So they adjourned to mamak where I had a milo ais then I drove home. Reaching home I gave Sam a call thanking him.
Time to sleep....
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Day 11
Told her bout the dinner that coming up next Sat and all the guys who would be the from Com, Svejjen, my suppliers and clients and I still wont be drinking. At the end of it the egoistical me would hav won a bet. Ironically she turns a year older on the 16th December heheh revenge I guess
Single/Distant Parenting
Parents and children alike hate to be separated by distance. It robs you of the close hour-by-hour relationship you always dreamed of having with your children. It strains the already-stressed trust between you. The easiest action by far is to resign yourself to being an uninvolved parent, enduring the semi-annual ritual of gift-buying without significance, visits without joy, and phone calls without feeling.
Cut the crap. Call, talk relate the events and you find some solace. Watever put you in that position does not matter anymore not to anyone at all... your build your relationship from where you are. People who be negative about what you are doing, give them the finger and shut them off. They are no good to you. What good to you are people who dun give you support? Support does not mean constant prodding but who knowing when to keep shut.
Do not let anyone alienate you or your position?
Urban Dict had a few descriptions
(noun). Calculated and/or intentional intense dislike; an intensified and elevated level of anger; an unnatural emotion (i.e. hate is something that is derived from natural emotions such as anger or fear); learned dislike or loathing of another person, group, or thing.
Hate is the root of much of the world's suffering.
when you dislike someone so much that if you and the other person were in an empty room with a knife in the middle, one or both would be dead
thats when you know you hate someone
a special kind of love given to people who suck
example you suck I hate you
Hate is when someone pisses you off so much they cause you to go fucking apeshit when they cross your mind. Your heart rate will speed up and feel fucking fury inside your brain. You loathe and despise but to a much greater extent. If that person died, you would not not care, you would laugh and spit on their carcass. When you feel hatred, you think murder is perfectly acceptable and you don't give a shit what happens. You could possibly go crazy if you let your hatred the most of you.
To be honest, it really is hard to describe hate in a universal term. Everyone has a different point of view on a definition for hate.
What I said is how I feel when I hate someone. Hate is what drives some people, it has taken over their conscience. We know these as serial killers, psycopaths, terrorist, dictators, tyrants, warmongers etc.
I believe there is a big difference between anger and hatred. Anger is mostly caused from a brief period of frustration and you get over it eventually. Hate is sort of like a disease that's take over your mind and body. Everyone hates something or someone there's no denying that, but don't think about it or you will snap one day, like I did.
I have hated before and I am beginning to hate again.....only time will tell
A fren's Birthday

The funny thing about it is no matter where we go or end up going (many will confirm this) somewhere somwhow some girl know him. Beats the shit out of me, we could be walking in a bazaar, he would bump into some girl.
Girls interested in him? Hell yeah so many would the key features if we are hanging out a he brings a friend watch how they eat then you will know. Hahahaha Still eligible

Deepavali part 1
My Crazy Sat / Beach Club Sucks Last Night
Finished the conference call (thank god only 30 minutes) I sms Kalai and Beem for plans... then I just sat there for a few minutes...The walls were closing in.... then an sms... just fed up... put the card on the table said I am going to go out of the house, my mind was blank... started the car and sat there for a few minutes
Driving a little aimlessly I settled to go to beach since Com gonna be there with Sunder it would be a welcome distraction, XXiee was going to be there. Along the way I sms a fren knowing she had bigger things to handle, then apologised for smsing her... Driving into the parking lot I met a face of a fren just sitting by the mamak stall. Sam!! my 30 minutes with Sam was a welcome relief and it help me talk about what I was going thru as well give me enough distraction.... I wanted ot go home then but Sam pulled me into Beach. Commie Xxiie and Kris were already there chugging away. Commie kept ribbing me about me not drinking... (I shall have the last laugh)
I had coke and I did not have to pay for it, sitting down wiht Xiie and Com head banding was a nice scene. How ironic that at one instant the roles that night were reversed (Xxiee and I gonna put an ironic poll online) dun know if Sam sense I was getting better but he slowly slipped away...I sat there on the couch and let the ebb flow away. Xiie was good company so was Com and I enjoyed their banter. Managed a few smile but the events of the evening kept playing in my mind.
Beach Club last night sucked royally. Not coz I was not drinking the music was so retro and so bad I could not even take my mind of things.... Com 2 frens were trying to pick up chick there for a nightly got lucky I guess.. Watever expectation I had of the place since not being there after a long time was a definate let down that I whispered to a fren I was going home early. Imagine that!!! So they adjourned to mamak where I had a milo ais then I drove home. Reaching home I gave Sam a call thanking him.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Child Abuse Awareness Program
They would deserve it more then me. I had about 30 minutes of waiting time playing with the doll and ended with the following pics. I felt happy that a small contribution

So one end up on my dash board!!!!
Parting Words
Quote "Before today is over, 3 CHILDREN WILL DIE from being abused. At least one of them will be a baby - less than a year old. They other two probably haven't yet celebrated their 5th birthdays. More than 510 other children will be physically abused today and another 270 will be sexually abused. In total, over 2,700 children will be abused today.
Tomorrow - the horror starts all over again, just as it does everyday. "
Black Monday/Tuesday
It was not that I had no confidence in the capabilities of the people in Klang handling these things but the answers they gave me were not giving me any confidence either. Stepped up drove down and took charge. He was having a viral fever and symptoms of an infection, shelved my freelance work and spend the night there. It was the same same for the next few days shuttling up and down and also juggling my freelance web designing job. Finally he got discharge. As usual stupid comments bout me being away and etc etc lead to some conversation getting out of hand.
So the parting comment was if they want me back my rule and my condition that I said the day I let stays. With there single sentence all the laser mouth shut up.Ain't life sweet. Everyone want to comment but no one want to make sacrifices. Booya
In the midst of that Tuesday was a real bitch. The car got semi flooded, the exhaust dropped all in the midst of doing my freelance work. Dragged the car with the dropped exhaust in front of Agi's place. Later after all had finished Beem and Kalai were helpful in helping me to my car where I dismantle the exhaust and took it to the workshop and got it done.. more bills to pay... seems like the more I earn freelancing the more expenses seem to crop up. Well its long as the body is willing the mind will will it on. Time to see what Vadai is made off.