Monday, March 12, 2007

Dead Man Walking

A dead man walking is someone who is in great trouble and will certainly get punished, lose their job or position, etc, soon.

A chant we hear more often the not.

Back to the powerful movie.. Ultimately, the questions come back to capital punishment. They're all familiar. Is Matthew going to be executed because he was too poor to hire a fat-cat lawyer ("Ain't nobody with money on death row")? Is there a moral difference when the State kills as opposed to an individual? Should justice be based on the "eye for an eye" edict or the one that says to "turn the other cheek"? In his 1988 film, A Short Film About Killing, Kieslowski asked the same things in a much different manner. Like Robbins, he arrived at certain conclusions, but -- also like Robbins -- he didn't force them on the audience. There's no preaching in either film. Only in subtle details does it becomes clear that neither director can condone the government taking a life. Go watch it again

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