Tuesday, March 27, 2007

When family jewels hurt

Trauma to the testicles
Testicles are easily injured because they are not protected by muscle or bone. The type of injury could include ruptured blood vessels or tearing of the testicle.
Possible injuries include:
  • Penetrating (for example, stab wound)
  • Impact from a moving object (for example, a kick to the testicles)
This one very painful
  • Impact from hitting an immovable object (for example, a fall onto a hard surface).
Injuries to the testicles can be assessed by physical examination, ultrasound and MRI scan. If the testicles seem normal, the doctor may prescribe pain-killing medication. Any damage to the testicles must be surgically repaired. This is usually performed under general anaesthesia.

In severe cases of trauma, the testicle may be damaged beyond repair and must be removed. Fertility is not affected if one functioning testicle remains. (ok lets not go there now!!)

What is blood in urine (hematuria)?

Hematuria means blood in the urine. Microscopic hematuria indicates that the blood is only seen when the urine is examined under a microscope, while gross hematuria means that there is enough blood in the urine so that it can be seen with the naked eye.

Since blood in the urine must come from one of the organs involved in making or transporting the urine, the evaluation of hematuria requires that we consider the entire urinary tract.

Ok better stop here too much info


Svejjen said...

Scary rite?

Who ask u to act like a hero on the Futsal court...

You know our motto: they score one, we score two ma...

Apa mau bimbang?


darthvadai said...


Its about the heart.

Thats mean I cant wank for the next 6 weeks

Anonymous said...

shit happens pakcik wakwakwak. baguslah if tak wank.. so tak bnyak dosa LOL !!!


Anonymous said...

wooooooooooo 6 weeks have to be monk... ommitofo! :p