Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Groin Injury

Let me start by saying OUCH!!!!

I believe with my limited medical knowledge I have injuired my groin. Not enough wiht ym sms battle and being kicked accidently in the family jewels, I had a re occurance of the groin injury

So wat is a groin injury?

Groin Strain


A groin strain is a partial tear of the small fibers of the adductor muscles. The adductors are a group of three muscles located on the inner side of the thigh. They start in the groin area and run down the inner thigh to the inner side of the knee.

Muscles of the Groin

A groin strain can be caused by:

* Stretching the adductor muscles beyond the amount of tension that they can withstand
* Suddenly putting stress on the adductor muscles when they are not ready for the stress
* Using the adductor muscles too much on a certain day
* A direct blow to the adductor muscles

Risk Factors

A risk factor is something that increases your chance of getting an injury. Risk factors for a groin strain include:

* Participation in sports that require bursts of speed, such as:
o Running
o Hurdles
o Long jump
o Basketball
o Soccer
o Football
o Rugby
* Fatigue
* Tight groin muscles
* Overexertion
* Cold weather


Symptoms include:

* Pain and tenderness in the groin area
* Stiffness in the groin area
* Weakness of the adductor muscles
* Bruising in the groin area (if blood vessels are broken)
* Popping or snapping sensation as the muscle tears (possibly)

Now the frigging doc want me to go for an MRI? Like as if I did nto have enough expences. sheessh


Anonymous said...

too much words lah...can get it up this weekend ah

~*~LostSoul~*~ said...

ouch dat hurts ...

darthvadai said...

cant get it up for 6 weeks ... so much for wanking....

yeah frigging hurts

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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darthvadai said...

I have had to remove 2 comments because one was attacking the other.

Please do that in your own forum not MINE