Thursday, March 01, 2007


Prior to the week I was quiet busy over the weekend preparing for the club AGM as this is my social hockey club. I undertook the Treasurer's post as in an acting capacity as the club was in crisis and the President appealed to me (being too nice syndrome).

I had revamped the structure of the club in terms of the Finance process, introducing vouchers and reducing debts and making the dues payment simple and convenient for the members. My perception is simple, a social club must run like a business, simple, transparent and to the point.

At the AGM I further introduced the club financial position, debtors took the auditors report and simplified the explanations so everyone could understand. I was touched when I got a standing ovation for it. Totally unexpected.

When it came to the election of the office bearers, heck I was returned unopposed.

Made me day. Nice to be recognised

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