Thursday, March 15, 2007

Few days back

I had written about assumption... today would be no different, maybe i am weak to allow myself to be subjected to people who have an opinion bout what I write here, bout my action, my thoughts, my way of life that I have chosen. Maybe I am just to nice to the people who talk to me, sms me, chat with me, bending way over back to accommodate such situations.

Maybe that the way I am.

Few days back Svejjen related to me a intellectual discourse he had will Commie bout Theology.

The word 'theology' has classical Greek origins, but was slowly given new senses when it was taken up in both Greek and Latin forms by Christian authors. It is the subsequent history of the term in Christian contexts, particularly in the Latin West, that lies behind most contemporary usage, but the term can now be used to speak of reasoned discourse within and about a variety of different religious traditions.

Today I can speak about God bout religion but any religion, way of life and belief because to a certain extent..A religion is a set of beliefs and practices generally held by a human community, so on and so forth then you have GOD.

Nowe my blog is not a forum to debate out such thing but in my humble opinion, even an Atheist like me. Yes I am on am qualified to talk bout such thing even though I dun believe in them.

There is no one on this place we call earth can stop another bout talking about other belief so long it is done gentlemanly. Thats called an intellectual discourse. Do not for a second try to use the punch line just coz does not believe in God he/she not qualified to talk bout it

Hey its Free Speech dude... its free speech


Anonymous said...

can we move from an intellectual discourse to sexual intercourse?

go forth and procreate(or was it multiply?)

darthvadai said...

right now its a but of guys picking on each other mind

when it comes to sexual intercourse its to numb our own minds