M vadai, and I have never been a que lining opening day fan of any malay movies. Having said that, I love P.Ramlee and till today look for directors in that class.
Sepet is awesome, please note I used present tense. I still can wathc it coz for me its like a water shed. So when Gubra came out, I had no hesitation to watch it for a sigular fact, that was the belief I had on Yasmin to produce another slammer. And she did.
Gubra has two stories within it. The first revolves around Orked’s family seven years after Jason (yeah he died and what an ending) and the second is about a muezzin and his tiny village community. Gubra is about love, hurt and forgiveness, all of which are represented by the two different “families”.
Orked’s side, she has moved on (like we all should) and married an older man, Arif. Her family’s world is terbalik when her father, Pak Atan (salute Harith and wifey Ide) takes ill and has to be hospitalized. (All these events take place within a short space of a few days as they say the world come tumbling down) At the hospital, she stumbles upon Alan(hubba hubba), Jason’s elder brother, whose father is also in the hospital. In this movie to many guys walking around topless but solid body woh. So Alan and Orked build a friendship ( standing on top a of a lorry and wind blowing in the air hehehe lovely) Ariff show why sometimes we are ashamed to be guy when assholes like these roam the earth. Ya ya he got an affair, then ricidules the woman to satisfy the wife.
When Orked confronts Ariff was both moving, touching and the kicking boxing, the lashing the tears, you could feel the pain, I know some who around me felt it more then the rest but the only thing you can do it feel for they person
Inter woven into this is the 2nd part, the muezzin, Pak Bilal, leads his community which consists two prostitutes, Kiah, who is constantly abused by her regular customer and Temah, whose son has just started Primary One and suffering from an incurable illness. The manner of camera work how this disease is brought out without a word spoken is to be saluted. In our society this is a breakthru.
"While both stories could have been stand alone ones, their combination brings out what probably is Yasmin Ahmad’s wicked sense of humour. Tragedy and comedy are brilliantly interwoven that it often appears to be a marriage of convenience. In doing so, Yasmin Ahmad forces our mind and heart to debate whether to laugh or to sympathize what is happening. A fine example would be the scene where Orked’s family is taking Pak Atan to the hospitalSimilarly, in doing so, Yasmin has also depicted irony in its finest form that you would be left powerless in not knowing whether to gawk or to smile. This is very apparent from the beginning of the film when the muezzin is on his way to the mosque to begin his work and he passes the two prostitutes who are on their way home after a hard day’s night."Life is funny, sometimes it’s in the tiny things our hands do, the way our eyes look at different people or even the most menial of things like signage or posters that can touch the strings of our heart and snap them into pieces. In fact I was just talking to Rudi last night bout an article on transgender transgression in the Sun.
Back to this. My advise Go watch it, Its worth it. Booya