Thursday, January 18, 2007


Each religion, each teaching and each way of life have many things in common and then they branch out in their uniqueness. No different then each of us with a thumbprint on this world that we live in. As times goes by we evolve, we learn, we experience a lot. These are teaching that we apply to our daily lives. (well some la... a little rambling here)

"Advice is like snow -- the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper in sinks into the mind."

I used to read in amusement the usual advise columns that dish them out usually found in weekend column. Why? Seem to have a practical solution for almost (not all) situation.In reality its not possible. You cant consciously know the exact environment, the character of the person, the situation they are in, the ramifications and most importantly their mindset and especially when you don't know the person.

(This is gonna sting a few people)
Do not offer advise when people dun ask. Makes you look stupid then minute you advise is not required dont be a hero coz that will make you unwanted. If you still presist, might as well dig your own grace.

You can never know someone well enough, you may know what they choose to reveal of themselves and their characteristics.. in the end life goes on.....

He taught me -- keep your friends close but your enemies closer.

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